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It’s that last part (shooting) which is directly related to what happened to me.

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In my case, it’s hiking, fishing, and occasional range shooting. Probably like you, I’m just a regular guy with basic hobbies. I’ve got a wife and 2-year old son with another little one on the way this fall. I am 31-years old and live in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Writing was never one of my strong suits. I’m apologizing now for any grammar or spelling mistakes you’ll see. If you’ve ever been curious about what it’s like to have someone force you to be gay, you are about to find out. But it does offer details about what happened. Be warned – what follows isn’t going to be super graphic. I’ll start out by giving you some background about me so that you’ve got a mental snapshot. More: Lies about male military sexual assault Feeling motivated, I decided to pen this piece. It wasn’t that long ago that I read a first-hand story about a private who endured something similar to me during his time wearing the uniform. You see, I’ve talked to other men like me who were in the military and made to engage in sex acts against their will. Look, I know I’m not the only guy who has ever been forced to be gay. Shoot, anyone would be I guess.īut as a friend of mine advised, it’s better to get it all out there and not bottle it up. To keep it real, I would be a liar if I didn’t tell you that I’m feeling anxious as I type this now.

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